Last active 1734488476

Written for Forgejo and Gitea instances

Revision d14b562161256a727061deddfe1b69a5c6340000 Raw

SudoVanilla Ark and Commit Signing

Sign commits when pushing to SudoVanilla Ark and other Forgejo/Gitea instances.

Generate SSH Key

Generate a new SSH key using the ssh-keygen key. We'll name it ark so we know in the future that this key is used for SudoVanilla Ark or whatever you originally planned to use it for.


ssh-keygen -o -f ~/.ssh/ark -a 100 -b 4096 -C "KeyName"

Keep the passphrase blank.

The KeyName can be whatever you want it to be. I usually set it as the device's name or related, so I would use something like Framework-laptop-20241217 sometimes, with date included.

The files should of been generated to the following:

  • Identification: ~/.ssh/ark
  • Public Key: ~/.ssh/

Setup Git

Setup Git to match the username and email you use on SudoVanilla Ark:

git config --global ""
git config --global "Korbs"

Remove --global if you want to set this per repository. If so, run the commands within the repository.

Then, setup Git to use SSH to sign each commit:

git config --global commit.gpgsign true
git config --global gpg.format ssh
git config --global user.signingkey ~/.ssh/ark

Add SSH Key to SudoVanilla Ark

Go to your Keys settings and click "Add Key" for SSH Keys.

After running the cat command, use the output and insert it into the "Content" box. The "Key name" box will be auto-filled, but you can still change it if you want to.

cat ~/.ssh/

Now you need to verify the key in the Keys settings of your account, click "Verify".

Following the on-screen instructions, you'll need to run the following:

echo -n 'TOKEN_HERE' | ssh-keygen -Y sign -n gitea -f ~/.ssh/ark

A token is generated for you already in the on-screen instructions, no need to generate one manually.

gitea is required, don't change it.

Insert the SSH signanture into the settings and click "Verify". If done correctly, a green message should appear at the top of the page saying it has been verified.


That's it. Next time you use commit, it is signed automatically. When you push, you can see a green lock icon indicating that the commit you pushed was successfully signed.